Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Starting School

Alright, here is a real update of what is going on in our family since my friend Julie said that the last post was a tease. :) She's right, but I just felt like I should write something and I didn't want to spend much time on it. Anyhow, Brooke started Kindergarten on August 10. I think that school here starts way too early, but at least she'll get a week off in October. All summer long I was under the impression that Brooke would be going to all-day kindergarten, but the Friday before school started was open house. We found out who her teacher is and that this year her school was only doing half day kindergarten, which I was glad about because I didn't want her to go all day. Brooke is in the PM class thankfully; she doesn't do so well in the mornings. She seems to like school a lot, and so far I think that almost everything they are covering is stuff she already knows. It's nice for Brooke to be able to get out of the house most days of the week (I think that it is still too hot for the kids to go outside and play) and be around kids, though. Plus, I get a break in the middle of the day since Jade usually naps while Brooke is at school. I usually use that time to nap as well. Everyday, I pick Brooke up and drop her off at school, and Jade comes with me at least for the drop-off. Jade likes to wear her backpack when we go, and she's making friends with the lunch ladies, always saying "hi" and "bye" to them (we have to take Brooke in the cafeteria where her teacher retrieves the kids). I can't believe that next year Jade will be old enough to go to preschool!
First day of school -- waiting for Brooke's teacher.
Jade wearing Trent's hat after dropping Brooke off.

Right before going into school; Brooke wasn't really interested in having her picture taken so Trent got her to look at the camera by telling her there was a lizard behind me. She's looking for the lizard -- not smiling or anything.

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