Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Break and More

This past week has been Fall Break for Brooke and Jade.  We started it out by going to a funeral on Monday.  Sadly, one of Trent's coworkers was killed on October 2.  He was also in ward until August which was when they changed our ward boundaries and that family was put in a different ward.  We didn't know them that well, but from what I did know of them, they were/are really nice.  I feel bad for his wife and two little girls.  Anyway, I was worried that my children wouldn't behave too well during the funeral, but I had a nice talk with them beforehand so they did behave pretty well.  We also opted to attend the broadcast of the funeral at our church building rather than attend that actual event at the stake center.  That way I wouldn't have to be so paranoid about the kids' behavior.

On Wednesday, we went to Mesa so that we could attend the temple.  We stayed in a hotel that night, and Trent went to the first session of the day on Thursday.  When he came back, I went to a session, and Trent took the children swimming while I was gone.  While it wasn't too much of a hassle having to go to Mesa to attend the temple, I have to say that I am really excited that there will be one in Tucson. It will be so much easier for us to go. I just hope that it doesn't take too long to get it built.

After we checked out of the hotel, we went to an urgent care center down the street.  Jade had been complaining a little bit about a sore throat for a couple of days, and it seemed to be getting worse.  I didn't want to make her wait another day to see our pediatrician.  She tested negative for strep, and the doctor said that she did have something.  He just didn't know what it was, but he did give us some antibiotics.  Jade has still been complaining about her throat a little, though, so I may end up taking her to the pediatrician afterall.  At the urgent care center, I was reminded of how it's such a small world sometimes, especially for Mormons.  The doctor was also Mormon, and he was telling me how he had just returned from visiting Nampa.

For the rest of the week, we pretty much stayed home and attempted to get some organizing done with kids' bedrooms and toys.  Unfortunately, we failed pretty miserably in doing that so I am hoping that I'll have more success with that tomorrow.  Since Friday afternoon, Trent has been feeling sick off and on so that hasn't been really conducive to accomplishing those things.

Today there was an October 14th miracle.  Bristol actually went to bed within about ten minutes of bedtime.  I only had to put her back in bed two or three times.  Then she actually stayed in bed and quickly fell asleep.  She has continued to be horrible at bedtime for the last few weeks.  She still gets out of bed over and over.  We did play at the park for a while this afternoon, and she didn't have a nap today.  Maybe that's why she was better at bed tonight.  I don't really know, but I hope she does this well every night from here on out, though I'm not counting anything.

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