Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Recent Outings

***Yay!  I was finally able to add pictures here also!***
On Labor Day, we decided to go to Apple Annie's to pick produce since the kids were out of school.  We also went there last year on Labor Day (I think).  The picture that is on the header was taken there.  It's not a great picture.  Bristol was way too interested in her drink, and Jade wanted to make silly faces.  That's what I have for now, though, but I am hoping I'll get a better picture there soon.  Anyway, this year it was hot when we went to Apple Annie's.  It was like 95 degrees, and the sky was pretty clear so there was no hope of rain to cool things down.  Bristol, Aspen, and I ended up sitting in a covered area for quite a time while Trent, Brooke, and Jade picked vegetables.  I don't think it was the best day to go, but it was kind of fun.  The best part (note sarcasm) was when Bristol managed to find the only mud puddle around, right after we arrived, and then fell in it.  Luckily, I brought her an extra outfit.

This past Saturday, September 15, we went to Oktoberfest in one of the parks here.  There were rides, and it seemed like it would be fun.  However, I was reminded of why I don't go to these things.  For one thing, they are expensive.  We bought $20 in tickets which paid for Trent,  Brooke, Jade, and Bristol to go on one ride.  There were enough tickets left for Brooke and Jade to each play one game, and that was it.  Also, it seems like there are so many smokers there, and I cannot stand cigarette smoke.  On our way back to the car, we let the kids play on the equipment at the park for a few minutes.  There was a merry-go-round, and it turns out that the kids liked much better (and it was free!).

1 comment:

Lisa said...

When did you get your hair cut? It's cute! I love all the pics. Where's the one of Bristol all muddy?