Sunday, January 31, 2010


Jade will be three in May, and it seems like we haven't really had to deal with her and the "terrible two's" until now (but I don't think that it's too bad). She has started to throw tantrums where she cries and cries for like fifteen minutes or so when she gets mad for whatever reason. Those are kind of annoying, but she has been saying some pretty funny (though sassy) things lately. In the car a few days ago she told me something to the effect of, "You're not the boss. I'm the boss, and I'm going to fire you." Being fired for a day or two actually sounds kind of appealling. The only problem is that Trent is out of town, and I don't think that Jade or Brooke could adequately take over being "mom" for a day. Then yesterday, right as we were sitting down to eat dinner, Brooke commented on Jade's dress-up outfit saying, "Jade, you look so cute and beautiful" to which Jade responded, "I am so beautiful. Now leave me alone." It's so amusing to hear some of these things that she has come-up with lately!


Jenn said...

lol that is too funny!

Jenn said...

add me to your blog list this is my new blog by the way