Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cute pictures and more

Well, not a whole lot has been going on lately. Up until the last couple days, the weather was relatively pleasant for about two weeks, like most days it only got to about 90 degrees. Also, it was cloudy or partly cloudy for many of the days which made a big difference in how tolerable it was to be outside. Right before the weather cooled down, we had a day that was up to 108! I am pretty sure that that's the hottest weather I have ever been in, and now it is getting hot again. The projected high for Thursday is 111 so I guess that we will be spending a lot of time indoors again. When it was cooler, we were actually able to be outside a lot, and that's always nice because it keeps the kids from messing up the house. However, there is good news. Even though the heat is increasing, we will won't have to endure for a while. In ten days, we are going to Idaho. We are leaving on July 2nd, and Trent is returning on July 13. Brooke, Jade and I won't be returning until the 29th, though. I can't believe that it is so soon, but I am really excited. I have already thought of a lot places I want to go and things I want to do including visiting my house, eating Chicago Connection pizza, and going to McCall among other things. We're excited to see all the family and for Brooke and Jade to see their cousins.

Anyway, Brooke and Jade are doing good. Jade is pretty much potty-trained; this happened a lot sooner and was a lot easier than I expected it to be. She is also talking a lot, and it's pretty cute to hear some of the things she says. When it appears that she might have hurt herself, I'll ask her if she is okay and she'll say, "I'm fine." Brooke isn't up to much. I think that she is bored especially when we have to spend so much time inside. She starts all-day kindergarten on August 10, though, so with our trip and then school starting shortly after our return, she won't have to be bored much longer. Here are some recent pictures of Brooke and Jade. There are more pictures of Jade because she actually wants me to take her picture while Brooke isn't so cooperative when it comes to photographs.

Just a cute picture of Jade.

Another cute one; she found the camera and wanted a picture.

Brooke and Jade made a little bed with their babies in Jade's crib.

Brooke is our slave; we make her fetch water for us even though we could easily get it out of the faucet in the house.

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