Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pregnancy Picture

For anyone that is curious or interested, here is a picture of me. I am about seventeen weeks along now and this was taken two weeks ago so I am showing more now. I just need a more recent picture. I can't wear most of my shorts and pants anymore so I guess that I am going to have buy maternity clothes. On Tuesday (June 2), I have an ultrasound, and we will find out if the baby is a boy or girl.
This isn't the best picture because I had Brooke take it so I guess it's not bad for a five year old. I think that I will have Trent take the next one though.


Jenn said...

whatever you don't even look pregnant!

Andrea said...

I know I don't there, but now I am starting to look pregnant. That was over three weeks ago so I'll put up a new picture in another week or so.